Daily writing prompt
Which animal would you compare yourself to and why?

I would compare myself to a hamster on a wheel. I need to keep the wheel going, but it seems to just keep me in the same place.

Sometimes I go flying off the ball. Sometimes I am with a pack of hamsters flying around in circles. Furry friends bouncing around everywhere.

My diet resembles a hamster these days, lots of vegetables. Enjoying freshly grown lettuce, wondering where it came from for a moment, forgetting.

Electronica blasting, neon lights flashing, just me, my wheel, and my friends

If you have not behold the wonder that is hamster rave, behold it now (see link below):

10 responses to “A Short Poem From A Very Tired Teacher”

  1. Love your response to this daily prompt 👍

    1. Its kind of that point where creativity meets madness😂

      1. I embrace madness, it gives you so much freedom 😁

      2. That is where the real art is, right?

      3. Exactly 💯 🤡

  2. I think that is powerful because when you said that the first thing I thought of is you must have a character that is focused and you see your plans through. Hamsters seldomly give up and they are very optimistic.

    Sometimes life makes us feel like groundhog day but it is very rare to meet people that commit to what they have started and that is how I see Hamsters , they are loyal , grounded and they commit to what they set their mind to. They are not wasteful and they are cheeky. 😊

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Mid-March for teachers is always tough because the kids start getting burned out. I definitely feel it some days, but always come back strong…well most of the time🙂

      1. 😊 Teachers create future leaders and always remember you role in someone’s life will inspire them to help others in the future.

      2. Thanks for the encouragement!

What are your thoughts on this?


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