Daily writing prompt
What bores you?

Pretty much everything that has to do with adulting bores me… I am definitely one of those “adulting 1 out of 5 stars” type of people. Whether it is waiting in line at the DMV, paying bills or figuring out taxes, it pretty much all sucks.


The DMV is a special kind of hell on the correct day. You can see the line around the corner, it’s 105 degrees, not enough seats, endless lines leading to other endless lines, all so you can get a piece of paper signed or verified for driving. I have to say, thank god for cell phones during these times, at least it gives us something to occupy our minds.

monks fall inline on sidewalk
Photo by Sadaham Yathra on Pexels.com

Paying bills, can be quite exciting, especially with the 20% inflation of the last few years. The wondering of how the heck am I going to pay this bill or that bill each month, trying to find extra “side hustles” to cover your families expenses, can be quite exhilarating I suppose, or terrifying. Lucky for me I paid off all my debt years ago, so I don’t have to play this game as much and bill paying has become somewhat mundane.

Euro folded shirt, money &

Taxes are the worst. I do my own taxes because I am Economics teacher (don’t read the breaking the law article a week ago IRS), but it is a two or three day affair. Typically, I learn quite a lot about the tax code and feel at least nominally qualified to advise my students on tax laws, but it is god awful boring at times.

Discussion Question

What are your secrets for making adulting tolerable? What are your “lifehacks”?


Resources For Improving Adulting Skills

Just in case you would like to check out ways to improve your adulting skills, I have curated a list of websites that specialize in this area. The reality is adulting is a big part of adulthood so perhaps the answer is to improve our ability to do so. Lifehacks anyone?

  1. Lifehacker (lifehacker.com): Lifehacker provides tips and tricks on a wide range of topics including productivity, technology, and life skills.
  2. The Financial Diet (thefinancialdiet.com): This website focuses on personal finance, offering advice on budgeting, saving, and investing.
  3. Cooking Light (cookinglight.com): If you’re looking to improve your cooking skills and adopt a healthier lifestyle, Cooking Light offers a variety of recipes and cooking tips.
  4. Zen Habits (zenhabits.net): This blog by Leo Babauta focuses on simplicity, mindfulness, and productivity to help you lead a more intentional and fulfilling life.
  5. The Muse (themuse.com): The Muse is a career-focused website that offers advice on job searching, career development, and workplace issues.
  6. Apartment Therapy (apartmenttherapy.com): For those navigating the world of homemaking and interior design, Apartment Therapy provides tips for creating a comfortable and stylish living space.
  7. TED Talks (ted.com): TED Talks cover a wide range of topics, including personal development, motivation, and self-improvement.
  8. The Art of Manliness (artofmanliness.com): While the title may suggest a focus on men, this website offers valuable advice on various life skills, from communication to self-discipline.
  9. Psychology Today (psychologytoday.com): Psychology Today provides articles on mental health, relationships, and personal development, offering insights into various aspects of adulting.
  10. Skillshare (skillshare.com): Skillshare is an online learning platform where you can find courses on a multitude of topics, from practical skills like cooking and budgeting to creative pursuits and personal development.

Anyway, that is my take on boring things…Thanks for stopping by The Lifelong Learning and Education Blog! Check out some of my latest posts, comments, shares, and likes are super appreciated!

7 responses to “Adulting One Out Of Five Stars…For Sure (V.2)”

  1. I agree wholeheartedly! Adulting is boring and not at all what I thought it would be as a kid. Now, I want to go back to “childing,” if that’s a thing.

    1. I know right, we have made life so complicated. It is exhausting!

  2. I went through a lot of years just barely hanging on to my sanity. Some of those stressful conditions have changed but somewhere along the way I learned two phrases.

    Yes, and (from improv)

    Perfect, what’s next?

    Both say yes to what is, rather than kicking against the goads. Those ideas help a lot. As for things like the DMV, I accept that it is a necessary task and also not fun and also I may get to the counter and discover I’m missing some document i need. Shit happens is the third phrase that can be helpful.

    It’s been a lesson a long time in the learning and I’m still learning. Plus, I try to minimize the possibility of negative outcomes by just doing the stuff I’m supposed to do; pay bills on time, file taxes, the stuff that isn’t fun but is necessary.

    1. Good advice, shit happens is underrated as a philosophy, I agree😁

  3. Soooo spot on. I answered shortly, so your post brought to to see a kindred spirit!

    1. I try😁. Nice to meet a fellow traveler!

      1. Yesssss it us. Happy campers!

What are your thoughts on this?


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