Daily writing prompt
Dogs or cats?

Hey all, Mike from Bunchiesblog777.com, today’s topic is dogs and cats, who is better? Everyone has different opinions on this topic, here is mine. Feel free to agree/disagree comment, share with friends! This is always a fun topic!

Why Dogs Are Better (Images of Panda, my dog)

Dogs win us over with their fierce loyalty. Dogs have been man’s best friend since the Ice Age, which we may not of survived without their help. A domesticated wolf and humans with spears were formidable hunters. Dogs became domesticated because early humans would discard bones/entrails near their caves/encampments. The wolves would follow these early humans as they followed game in search of more food. Gradually the relationship became something special and wolves began to accept humans as part of their pack…..or so the story goes. Learn more here by visiting the online Smithsonian Magazine site.

Dogs are Very Loyal

Personality of Dogs

Once dogs adopt humans as part of their pack, they will love and defend them, often to the death if necessary. Dogs are fiercely territorial, once you have been claimed by them, it is not a commitment you should take lightly. They certainly will not. Whether it is a huge German Shepherd that you have befriended, or a tiny Poodle Noodle Doodle, you are now part of the their wolfpack. All dogs really want is your love and to keep the food falling from the sky. As long as those things are there, you will have a friend for life. Your furry companion will always meet you at the door when you come home, tail wagging.

Dogs are fiercely territorial, once you have been claimed by them, it is not a commitment you should take lightly

Why Cats Are Better (JT hanging on the staircase)

In this debate of whether dogs or cats are better, a case for cats can be quite compelling. Cats and humans have a long history together. Cats, in fact enjoyed worship as deities by many early civilizations, most notably the Egyptians. Mystical feline demigods, believed to bring good luck, and were often showered with gifts including priceless jewelry (most cats were still however largely completely unimpressed). When the cats died, they were often mummified along with their owners to accompany them to the afterlife. In Norse mythology two giant cats drove Freyja’s chariot. In Chinese mythology, a cat-god called Li -Shou guarded the fields, worshipped by farmers, for protecting their harvest from being eaten by rats and mice.

Personality of Cats (Our foster kittens from last year)

Personality of Cats

How Dogs and Cats are Different

The personality of cats seems to support this idea of being worshiped, as they are generally more reserved than dogs.
Cats do not seem nearly as concerned about pleasing humans as dogs and are generally more mysterious and aloof. That being said though, when a cat does claim a person, it can be quite a powerful relationship….perhaps a result of their royal blood?

In the final analysis, it really depends what you want from a pet. If you want a new friend that is going to be at your side 24/7, you probably want to go for team dog. If you want a pet that will make you feel special and perhaps royal, you probably want to go for team cat.

Cats do not seem nearly as concerned about pleasing humans as dogs and are generally more mysterious and aloof.

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3 responses to “Dogs and Cats……Who is Better as a Pet?”

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  3. […] Dogs and Cats……Who is Better as a Pet? One of my favorites because it has pics of my pets. […]

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