Daily writing prompt
Do you need a break? From what?

I could use a break from driving. I feel like I am driving my life away between commuting, dropping off and picking up kids, and traveling. I think I really could use a private helicopter or jet. Maybe someone will invent those transporters from Star Trek or something! Driving is driving me crazy!

It’s not all bad, it gives me time to listen to Audiobooks, music, talk to my kids, and whatnot, but especially my commute. I have been making the same commute for almost 20 years and it is safe to say, it is getting more than a little tedious at times!


Add to that the Los Angeles traffic that can turn into an absolute slog at any moment, closures of key routes due to fires, flooding, or accidents and driving becomes a very mundane part of one’s day!

person drives a luxurious car
Photo by Hassan OUAJBIR on Pexels.com

Thanks for reading The Lifelong Education Blog! Likes, follows, and shares are always appreciated! Check out some of my other recent posts if you have a moment! What could you use a break from?

9 responses to “Driving Is Driving Me Crazy”

  1. Yes! I’m ready for Star Trek transporters too ❤️

  2. Netflix , I start with one show on monday then by friday i’m on show 2. It’s addicting

  3. ‘The same commute for almost 20 years . . . ‘

    I guess it’s getting monotonous !
    😆 🤣 😂

    1. I think I have mastered the art of disassociation🥲

      1. I’m inclined to understand that as you not being emotional or sentimental.

      2. I listen to audiobooks on my drive and just kimd of space out, then I am there.

  4. Keep doing you 👍

  5. I’m a huge fan of your creativity and the uniqueness of your content. 

What are your thoughts on this?


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