Daily writing prompt
What does your ideal home look like?

When it comes to idealism about having a sustainable city, I have no shortage of ideas. I have written a few longer articles about a movement called The Venus Project, which seeks to develop ecologically sustainable environments for human beings. As for a sustainable home, I think these principles should be front and center.

A model of a possible sustainable city of the future.
The Venus Project – Model of a Possible City of the Future

Is a Bigger Home Always Better?

For the most part, more and bigger does not equal increased happiness. More often than not, it just leads to increased price, maintenance and waste. If I could build my ideal home it would have a negative carbon footprint if possible, preferably be located next to a lake or stream, and offer lots of opportunities to explore a diverse environment.

The richest I ever felt was when I lived in Mammoth Lakes, California in a crappy two bedroom apartment with my girlfriend. The window would not close all the way so I stuffed socks in it to try and keep the cold out (It snows an average of 400″ a year there. I now live in a large suburban home, so why was I happier in the apartment you say?

Mammoth Mountain Ski Area - top of mountain

True Wealth is Based on Your Overall Quality of Life

The answer would be because of the endless opportunities for recreation. If I had energy at all, I was out skiing, snowboarding, fishing, golfing, and traveling. Home was just a place to sleep and occasionally hang out. My crappy apartment also came with a stunning view of the surrounding mountains, especially when the full moon lit them up the fresh covered snowy hills.

I think this would influence my choice, but also my growing alarm related to climate change or as I am now calling it, climate changed. I think we need to start being realistic about what the resources we have can support, not just build as much as we can as big as we can.

My Ideal Home

For starters, the home would have a multitude of solar panels for power, an electric car for transportation, a water purification system, waste water recycling on the premises, and it would be a dome shape made of extruded environmentally safe building materials! A dome shape is much more resistant than a wood house to storms, particularly tornados and hurricanes.

It would also be a smart home, with a failsafe backup battery, where extra energy would be stored in case of inclimate weather, along with a woodburning stove. A vegetable garden and maybe even a small farm would be ideal, with livestock that would complement those efforts without creating unnecessary waste. .

Wrap Up – My Ideal Home

Anyway, those are my thoughts on an ideal home. Thanks for reading Bunchiesblog! Check out some of my other recent articles, if you have a moment!

I decided to curate a some quality sustainable home products that can help reduce our carbon footprints (See Below).

2 responses to “Eco-Friendly Elegance: Building the Ideal Home with Sustainability in Mind”

  1. […] Eco-Friendly Elegance: Building the Ideal Home with Sustainability in Mind […]

  2. That’s very good and thanks for sharing as usual.

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