How do you balance work and home life?

Balancing work and home life can certainly be complicated as a teacher. Teaching offers one a almost limitless set of opportunities for extra-curricular involvement, but there is always the scarcity of one’s time to consider.

Currently, I teach five classes of 12th grade Economics and United States Government. I also teach one period of Boys Soccer. I have been elected the last six years as one of our union representatives, which requires attending and holding of meetings, attending and preparing for political actions, as well as helping mediate issues that arise at the school regarding working conditions. I also am the Model United Nations Club Advisor, which entails weekly meetings at lunch and two weekends a year.

Even wih this “full plate” I have to stop myself from taking on more stuff, especially as I become more of a veteran teacher. The baseball coaches are always trying to get me to come out and assist them. I have even been asked to coach freshmen football!

I know from experience though that if I take on too much, everything will come crashing down like a house of cards. Being able to keep a positive attitude, have adequate time for family and self-care is absolutely critical to the entire system working.

Burnout is a huge issue for educators due to the insane workloads we carry. I have found many “hacks” to keep myself sane and still do high quality work and have relational capacity for students, but it was not always this way!

As a first year teacher, I took on the role of head varsity baseball coach, first time father, and moving from Mammoth Lakes to Santa Clarita. It was way to much for me at that time. I had seemingly endless demands from the district as a new teacher for lesson plans, attending classes, observations, coupled with putting a baseball program back together that had been in disarray. As soon as the season started, my daughter was born who suffered from colic so needed to be held constantly or would be in great discomfort. I would literally come home and fall asleep witj her velcroed to my baseball jersey in her swaddling blanket. I would wander into school many days with an hour or two of sleep and needless to say, did not teach very well. By God’s grace I made it through, but I learned quickly not to overcommit myself.

Thanks for reading The LifeLong Education Blog! I hope you have a fantastic weekend! Till next time!

10 responses to “Finding Balance as an Educator is Critical”

  1. Nice post 🌹🌹

    1. Thank you!

  2. A beautiful post. I absolutely agree with the points you raised in this post. I’m not a teacher myself but I’ve seen the negative impact that stress has had on my schoolteachers. I vividly remember in elementary school having a teacher that was compassionate. He always treated students nicely, and seemed like he was happy with his job. However, most students were unaware that he had a short temper. He was having issues with balancing his job as a teacher with problems he faced at home. There was one incident where he took out his anger by throwing a chair across the classroom. So, I absolutely agree with you that finding balance as an educator is incredibly important for becoming a successful teacher.

    This post once again brought to mind the recent Oscar-winning film “The Holdovers”. It tells the story of a high school teacher struggling to balance problems at home with caring for students in school. Definitely worth watching. Here’s why I recommend it strongly:

    1. Everyone has their breaking point. I just wish your teacher had realized they were there before they got there. Waiting for a rainy day to watch Holdovers, looking forward to it and as always thanks for the thoughtful commmet😁

  3. This post was perfect for sharing with a friend who aspires to be a teacher. Excellent!

    1. Awesome! What do they want to teach?

      1. He wants to teach science at the middle or high school level.

      2. Brave man! How old is he?

      3. He just turned 40 and has been an instructor in the Army for 20 years. I believe teaching is his true calling.

      4. Perfect preparation for it! My neighbors teach ROTC and they are amazing!

What are your thoughts on this?


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