Which activities make you lose track of time?

I have a myriad of interests so it is not hard for me to lose track of time during the day. I have to make a schedule for things that need to get done or my mind will wander off and nothing that actually needs to get done, will get done. Here is my list of: Five Activities That Make You Lose Track of Time, enjoy!

Here is my list of: Five Activities That Make Me Lose Track of Time, enjoy!

#1 – Fishing – I absolutely love fishing. When I get out on a lake or river, I rarely am in a rush to get back even if it is something important.

Five Things That Me Lose Track of Time, #1 Fishing
Fishing at Pyramid Lake, California

#2 – Skiing/Snowboarding – with my kids or friends – I grew up skiing at Snow Valley, California as my family only lived 35 minutes away in Crestline, California. It is something that I can do everyday if given the opportunity with a big smile on my face, which I actually pretty much did, when I lived in Mammoth Lakes, California for three years.

5 Things That Make You Lose Track of Time: Picture of Mammoth Mountain (2023)
Snowboarding Mammoth Mountain (April 2023)

#3 – Teaching – Teaching/coaching requires a full engagement of your mind, body and soul. I get to work and before I know it, it is lunchtime. I have to make each minute count to teach efficiently and meet the needs of my 200+ students each day at the high school, so the time truly does fly.

5 Things That Make You Lose Track of Time: Teaching: Mr. Bunch in his summer school classroom.
Mr. Bunch in full effect

#4 – Baseball/Softball – I play both baseball and softball still, which I am very grateful for. Baseball forces me to forget about everything else for the time I am out playing. I can stay out all day doing either of these activities and be perfectly happy, a little sad when it is over.

5 Things That Make You Lose Track of Time:  B-League Softball Champs
Softball B League Champs – “Clean Machine)

#5 – Blogging! – I am not sure why but since I started blogging again last May I have been somewhat obsessed with it. Perhaps blogging allows me to practice my craft of being a historian of sorts ot it is just a more meaningful way to connect with people than social media. Either way, it has become something I can lose myself in.

5 Things That Make You Lose Track of Time::  Blogging - Mr. Bunch relaxing in a comfy massage chair while blogging on phone!
Author blogging while in massage chair at cat wash

Thanks for reading Bunchiesblog777.com! I hope you enjoyed: Five Activities That Make You Lose Track of Time, enjoy! What activities do you lose track of time of while doing? Feel free to comment, like, subscribe, etc!

Check out my other recent articles! The Bearded Dragon story is very much a true one; I highly recommend!

Perhaps blogging allows me to practice my craft of being a historian of sorts ot it is just a more meaningful way to connect with people than social media. Either way, it has become something I can lose myself in.

10 responses to “Five Activities That Make You Lose Track of Time”

  1. you seem to have far more time to lose than I do…lol

    1. Yes, to use an Economics term, I have a surplus of time, lol.

  2. Fantastic blog post, Michael! You are both a great blogger and a fantastic teacher.

    1. Thanks bud, that means a lot!

    2. I like your website as well! You have 2100 posts? Wow! Why are you shutting it down?

      1. Thank you very much. I have almost 2,100 posts, as of today.

        I’m ending my blog next month because I believe it’s time for me to start a new blog in the future.

      2. Damn that is some serious dedication!

      3. I see. Please don’t use bad words when you speak with me, though.

        I started my blog in August of 2014. I wrote two blog posts on that day.

      4. Oh ok, my bad bud.

      5. That’s all right. You didn’t know that.

        When it comes to jackets, what kinds of jackets do you happen to like?

What are your thoughts on this?


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