Daily writing prompt
In what ways does hard work make you feel fulfilled?

Hard work gives me a sense of accomplishment that keeps me motivated. Hard work takes me from sweat to satisfaction! When I complete a difficult task or do something that requires a lot of grit and determination, I feel like I have really accomplished something, thus the inherent value of hard work.


Athletics and Hard Work: The Value of Sweat

I learned this at an early age with athletics. I became one of the best hitters in my league because my dad would constantly throw me batting practice to help me improve. Hitting a baseball is one of the most difficult things in sports to do. You are trying to hit a round ball that is moving at a high rate of speed, with a round bat. Not many people have mastered this skill, but through hard, perseverance, working with great mentors, and mental toughness, I found a lot of success.


Teaching and Hard Work

I would not say I was a natural when it came to being a teacher and coach. There were definitely times when I wondered if I would be successful in these roles. I had to get a teaching credential, which meant going back to school in my early 20’s for nine months, not being able to work, and hoping in the end it would work out.

I did my student teaching at a middle school in San Bernardino California. This particular middle school had a reputation as one of the most difficult schools to teach at in the San Bernardino Unified School District which already had a tough reputation.

I worked hard, put in 70-80 hour weeks, lived in poverty basically, and found out that teaching was pretty damn hard. During the day, an average teacher makes over one-thousand decisions, plus the stress of dealing with student behavior/parents and administrators, especially when you are new to it all, is very challenging. Gradually my lessons improved. I started having more success and got enough from the experience to be moderately successful my first year teaching high school.


The Inherent Value of Hard Work

I try to look at hard work like from the perspective of how I will feel when I am done. I know that I won’t feel good in the beginning probably, or maybe in the middle of it, but I know that in the end, it will give me a great sense of accomplishment and could really make a big difference in my life. I am very grateful to my mentors and my father for teaching me these lessons at a young age.

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From Sweat to Satisfaction: The Inherent Value of Hard Work on:

Bunchiesblog! I hope you achieve your goals today!

Discussion Questions

What are some of your goals? How does hard work help you accomplish them?


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Additional Resources

  1. MindTools (mindtools.com): MindTools offers a wide range of resources and tools for personal and professional development, including articles on work ethic and time management.
  2. The Balance Careers (thebalancecareers.com): This site provides career-related advice and articles, including tips on cultivating a strong work ethic in the workplace.
  3. Entrepreneur (entrepreneur.com): Entrepreneur.com covers various aspects of entrepreneurship and business success, often addressing the importance of a strong work ethic.
  4. The Art of Manliness (artofmanliness.com): While the site primarily focuses on men’s lifestyle topics, it offers articles and resources on personal development, including work ethic and productivity.
  5. Lifehack (lifehack.org): Lifehack offers articles and tips on productivity, self-improvement, and building a strong work ethic.
  6. Psychology Today (psychologytoday.com): Psychology Today features articles by psychologists and experts on topics related to motivation, discipline, and work ethics.
  7. Forbes (forbes.com): Forbes covers business, leadership, and career-related topics, often discussing the importance of a strong work ethic for success.
  8. Fast Company (fastcompany.com): Fast Company explores innovation and business, with articles that touch on the work habits and ethics of successful professionals.
  9. The Spruce (thespruce.com): While primarily a home and family-focused website, The Spruce offers advice on teaching children responsibility and a good work ethic.
  10. Quora (quora.com): Quora is a platform where users ask questions and receive answers from the community. It can be a valuable resource for finding insights and advice on developing a strong work ethic.
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