I usually try to keep my “concerns” about the directions much of the U.S. has been taking in the past several years to myself, at least in public …

Florida’s shameful, sinful, egregious new revisionist history curriculum

Great article on the revisionist anti- “Critical Race” curriculum being promoted in Florida.

3 responses to “Florida’s shameful, sinful, egregious new revisionist history curriculum”

  1. I want to add a friend who is a Trump supporter ask me point-blank what exactly is critical race theory.

    They don’t even know. They hear buzzwords by Fox News and are told to hate these things and they have no idea what it’s even about.

    Just when I thought that it couldn’t get any worse than the curriculum in Texas, Florida retakes the title!

    1. It is such a slap in the face to minority ethnic groups. Not only do we stall have massive issues with inequality, but now we won’t teach your history either. We can only hope the electorate continues to punish them for endorsing these crazy policies.

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