I have been working on building my site’s SEO via backlinks, which supposedly help search engines see one’s site as more reliable and authoritative. As I have been doing this, I noticed that a lot of WordPress bloggers are not sure how to use this technique, so I decided to make a “How to…” video on it that can be shared. 

My How To Video For Making Backlinks on WordPress

Step 1 – Find a blog you want to link to

In the reader or on someone’s actual blog go to the comment section. I recommend reading the post and beginning with a thoughtful comment if it is someone that you are unfamiliar with especially.

Step 2 – Write a Thoughtful Non-Spam Comment on the Post

Write something to the effect of: I really liked your post, do you mind if I link to your post? It is good for both our SEO rankings. You may link to my post as well.

You can do this as a separate comment if you like or skip a line or two. 

Step 3 – Wait for the blogger to Approve your Comment and add your URL

Wait for a response from the blogger. If they respond and say they are fine with you linking to their site, type something to the effect of: 

Here is my site address: https://lifelongeducation.blog/

black samsung tablet display google browser on screen
Photo by PhotoMIX Company on Pexels.com

Why This is a Good Strategy

Hitting a like button or following bloggers can be successful strategies for building your following, but this is something you can give as a gift, if you will to the other person, and they can reciprocate. It is a no lose scenario, both of you benefit from this and it seems to build a bit deeper bond between bloggers. 



group of people watching on laptop
Photo by Fox on Pexels.com


Thanks for reading The Lifelong Education Blog! Have a wonderful last couple days of the year! Check out some of my other recent posts if you have a moment!


Additional Resources For Improving SEO

  1. Moz (moz.com): Moz is a widely recognized authority in the SEO industry. They offer tools, guides, and educational content.
  2. Search Engine Land (searchengineland.com): A leading source for news and information about search engine marketing and optimization.
  3. Search Engine Journal (searchenginejournal.com): SEJ provides the latest SEO news, tips, and guides from industry experts.
  4. Backlinko (backlinko.com): Brian Dean, the founder of Backlinko, shares in-depth guides and case studies on SEO and link building.
  5. Neil Patel (neilpatel.com): Neil Patel is a well-known digital marketing expert, and his website offers comprehensive guides and tools for SEO.
  6. Ahrefs (ahrefs.com/blog): Ahrefs is a powerful SEO tool, and their blog covers a wide range of topics related to SEO and digital marketing.
  7. Yoast SEO Blog (yoast.com/seo-blog): Yoast is a popular SEO plugin for WordPress, and their blog provides practical tips for optimizing websites.
  8. Google Webmaster Central Blog (webmasters.googleblog.com): The official blog from Google, offering insights into how to improve your site’s visibility in Google search.
  9. SEMrush Blog (semrush.com/blog): SEMrush is a comprehensive SEO tool, and their blog covers SEO, content marketing, and more.
  10. HubSpot Blog (blog.hubspot.com/marketing): HubSpot’s marketing blog covers a variety of topics, including SEO, inbound marketing, and content creation.

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5 responses to “How To Link To Another Blogger’s Site on WordPress Right Now”

  1. Thank you so much for this explanation. Will surely try this out.

    1. It works pretty well! I am going to write a follow up sharing my results.

  2. Very informative thank you 👍

  3. Just so I understand: you don’t necessarily make a plug to a particular website in one of your blog posts, you just have them post a link to it in the comments and that technically is a “back link“?

    Thanks for the info!

    1. You can do that as well, but just posting and having your link approved by the owner as a comment is a backlink from what I understand.

What are your thoughts on this?


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