Daily writing prompt
How do you unwind after a demanding day?

After a demanding day, I come home and rest…for approximately three minutes, then I have to run out the door to pick up kids, attend school events, and then cook dinner, clean the house, take care of the pets, and still feel like I am not getting everything done.

two men fishing on lake
Photo by Tomasz Filipek on Pexels.com

If I do perhaps get the chance to sit and unwind, I will typically go fishing at the lake for a while. It is awesome because cell phones don’t work there. The only thing I can think about is fishing. At first it is kind of irritating because I am bored and I like being busy. After about ten minutes though I start to relax and remember that the rest of the natural world exists in a much simpler state than me. I am reminded that peace is always available to us, we just have to accept it on its own terms.

silhouette photo of body of water
Photo by Josh Sorenson on Pexels.com

Then I come home and go back to being a dad to five kids and i try to keep those lessons in mind….

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6 responses to “I Like To Unwind With a Fishing Trip”

  1. Nice post 😊😊

  2. TBH, I don’t fish, I’ve tried it but it wasn’t my thing. I do like the peacefulness of it though. Just waiting around on the shore or on a boat and being patient.

    1. Especially as a vacation from our tech driven world. Thanks for the commemt!

  3. TBH, I never got into fishing. I liked the peace and solitude though, just waiting by the water or on a boat. It was very calming.

    1. It’s usually just an excuse to day drink😁

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