Will GPT-4 and artificial intelligence take the art of cheating to a whole new level? And what about those of us who make a living from writing, are …

Is GPT-4 bad news for teachers, children, bloggers and writers?

Very interesting discussion of the educational ramifications of Artificial Intelligence, specifically Chat GPT.

21 responses to “Is GPT-4 bad news for teachers, children, bloggers and writers?”

  1. We just did a module on AI in my online college rhetoric and composition class. Prior to this, I had not experimented with AI.

    This article was most interesting: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/12/26/upshot/chatgpt-child-essays.html

    The comments presented a huge number of perspectives. I found it all fascinating.

    I believe I see blogs responding to the daily word press prompt which are written by chatGPT.

    I was not drawn to cheating as a student. Goody two shoes or whatever. I actually liked learning.

    I think the best use of AI in the writing process is in the revision process for students but as a teacher I would encourage kids not to use it until they have a chance to develop their own voice and style.

    ChatGPT lacks soul and always sounds empty to me.

    1. We have seen a major decline in writing scores at our district over the last few years. I fear that this will only accelerate that trend.

    2. I’m willing to bet that I’ve been reading responses to these daily prompts that have used.

      In the very least, I can tell that some of these posts have used WordPress AI option in order to proofread their work.

  2. I think chatgpt is the worst solution between writers. If you just read some ideas it’s ok. But when all of your text is chatgpt created, this destroys the writing skills and a post. The texts have no personality and are all the same. Additionally, you feel like an idiot when you try to write something and spend your hours while others with GPT just do a copy-paste quickly. But the most important thing is how you feel as a blogger. If you don’t feel good with GPT, even if you see the whole world use it, you won’t. Generally can help in many other aspects of writing etc but it’s disastrous for bloggers (in my opinion).

  3. As a teacher for the last 20 years, it’s very easy to simply say “our kids don’t read enough. Our kids don’t write enough.” Both of these are true. But in the past it’s been fairly easy to run a Google search to find out if a students plagiarizing their work.

    Hey, does make it harder, but as the article says, there’s something to be said about an individual students writing style and the personality of the writer. Those qualities shine through, whereas AI is relatively bland in comparison.

    Strange days indeed…

  4. I do think that Chat GPT is not good for humanity in general. I have not used any AI for anything and refuse to because I do not want to lose my skill of writing. I am very worried of what the future holds if children start to be introduced to this early on. Where is the creativity? Where is the thoughts? Originality?

    1. Apologies for the spelling and grammar errors!

      1. No worries! It is scary, but it is the new normal unfortunately….

  5. I don’t think it is bad news, people in any industry need to know how to leverage it as a powerful tool. The output needs to be vetted and corrected by a human. When used correctly its a tool that can help someone excel in their profession.

    1. I hear you, I feel like we are just seeing the tip of the iceburg. What have governments dome with this tech in private? What types of weapons have been created? How will A.I. effect employment in the future?

  6. Gotta agree with you, Mike, soulless indeed. So far at least, the AI “written” things I’ve seen are simply mash-ups of phrases, facts and inaccuracies written by others.

    1. P.S. Your Like button isn’t loading.

      1. On the reader or the site?

      2. Here on the site. Except it’s there now. Go figure.

      3. And as soon as I posted the above Reply every Like button on the page went into “Loading” mode and stayed there. Gotto love WordPress.

      4. Ahhh yes, wonderful WordPress…they fixed a couple issues Sunday and now my site doesn’t load, go figure..

      5. Would you mind checking it today if you have a moment? I believe I fixed it.

  7. AI’s rapid advancement may present challenges but also opportunities for teachers and writers. Teachers can use AI to enhance learning and teach digital literacy, transforming their role to guides in the digital age. For writers, AI lacks the personal touch and creativity that humans offer, making it a tool to augment rather than replace human skills. I believe that by embracing AI we can enrich both education and writing, adapting to its growth constructively. Personally I used AI to re-teach me basic math skills so I could then teach my son.

What are your thoughts on this?


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