If you could meet a historical figure, who would it be and why?

I would have liked to have met Jackie Robinson, the famous baseball player who broke the “color line” in the late 1940s.

Jackie by all accounts was an exceptional person. He was known for his courage, grit, and determination. Breaking the “color line” in baseball as the first African-American player in the Major Leagues required playing with, against, and for a lot of people who absolutely did not want him to succeed. Not only did he have to deal with near-constant harassment from fans, but the opposing team and his own team to a certain degree.

To perform under these circumstances at a high level, as he did, took a lot of tenacity, which I have a tremendous amount of respect for. Eventually, he won over his teammates, many of the opposing players, and fans as well. He did it without running his mouth, or any fanfare, just gutsy, hard, day in day out effort and leading by example.

I also highly recommend the movie 42 if you have not seen it yet. It chronicles Robinson’s journey through the major leagues and is very inspirational.

Statue of Pee Wee Reese hugging Jackie during some particularly awful racial taunting.

Thanks for reading Bunchiesblog! Happy Thanksgiving if you are celebrating! Check out some of my other recent posts if you have a moment!

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