Daily writing prompt
When you think of the word “successful,” who’s the first person that comes to mind and why?

Justin Turner is a Major League Baseball player for the Boston Red Sox currently, but played with the Los Angeles Dodgers for many years, exemplifying resilience, positive leadership, and teamwork.

Justin Turner, nicknamed, RedTurn2 here in Los Angeles exemplified success to me. He helped lead the Los Angeles Dodgers through many a grueling 162-game season as a team captain and model citizen for the city. Through hard work and positive leadership Turner became an icon in the city of Los Angeles.

When he came to Los Angeles from the New York Mets, he was considered a part-time player. He showed a lot of potential, but could never quite put it together to be a full-time starter.

During his time in L.A., he grew into a leader in the clubhouse and eventually won a starting job, playing third base for the Dodgers. He secured a spot as the Dodger’s number three hitter and this began the Dodger’s decade of dominance in the National League West.

In 2020, when the Dodgers won the World Series, Turner played a key role, coming up with key plays on defense, coming up with clutch hits, while leading the team to victory.

Justin Turner has a batting average of .270 with 85 hits, 13 home runs, 42 RBIs and 43 runs scored in 86 games in the postseason in his career.”


Off the field, Turner and his wife Kourtney, showed the same classy leadership style as on the field establishing JTF (Justin Turner Foudnation), that has committed to raising $500,000 for the Children’s Blood Cancer Hospital in Los Angeles, among many other generous donations to worthy causes.

Athletes like this, who display these characteristics, set a great example for young people and deserve all the praise and accolades they receive. This is what makes sports great and worth paying attention to.

You can follow Justin Turner on Twitter at:

Justin Turner


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4 responses to “Justin Turner Comes to Mind When I Think of a Successful Person”

  1. Interesting post dear friend

  2. […] for reading Bunchiesblog! Wishing you the best to the end of your week! Check out some of my other recent […]

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