Daily writing prompt
What traditions have you not kept that your parents had?

Keeping family traditions alive is important because they pass values and cultural memory down to the next generation. Christmas cookies come to mind when I think about family traditions. My mother has always made homemade Christmas cookies with frosting and decorations on them since I was little. For me, they are the ultimate comfort food, an expression of caring, safety, and the relative abundance that we live in. I can not imagine a Christmas without Christmas cookies!

The Christmas Tree


Another tradition that comes to mind is putting up our Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Although, when I am commuting to arrive at my mother’s house the day before usually, with presents and kids in tow, it is not always my favorite tradition. I feel it is an important one and reminds me of my German cultural heritage. It is also something that the kids look forward to and expect. With everyone helping to decorate the tree, it becomes a symbol of family unity, each individuals contribution to the “family tree” if you will.


That is about all I have time for right now! Thanks for reading: Keeping Family Traditions Alive Is Important on Bunchiesblog. Check out some of my other recent articles, if you have a moment.

5 responses to “Keeping Family Traditions Alive Is Important”

  1. Great blog post brother Mike. Indeed family traditions are significant because the next generation can exercise them and such values and memory are key.

    Since I am African from Eswatini, well at home we love to eat food and make delicious pap and meat then we listen to music in the process, it brings us together.

    Take care💯🙏

    1. That sounds great!

  2. Fantastic job Mike!

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