Bloganuary writing prompt
What makes a good leader?

I help coach our varsity boys soccer team and have learned some really valuable leadership lessons from our varsity coach. He told the entire program at last year’s banquet we would win the league that we play in, which in the twenty years the school has been around has never happened. At the time, it seemed like a bold claim. 

After today though, it no longer seems like a pipe dream. Today we went out and beat the first place team, whom we have never beaten. We tied them once last year, but that was the best we had done in school history. Today we turned the tables winning a thrilling match 3-2 at home. Our team and program has been getting better each year, but the first place team seemed to inspire fear in our players. Now we are stepping into the spotlight and realizing that we can be first place. I have to give a lot of credit to our head coach.

Our head coach always has his finger on the player’s pulse. He is exceptionally good at knowing what they need and when they need it. As a leader, this is an incredibly important skill to possess. He puts the time and work in, knows his craft, and makes it all come together. He communicates concisely, but clearly and maintains positive relationships with his players at all times. 


Good leaders inspire those around them, making the impossible possible through steadfast vision, dedication, and belief. Setting the bar as high as possible, but making sure that the support to reach those lofty heights is in place, not to mention picking followers up when they fall. This definitely fits the bill for our head coach!

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Discussion Question

What do you think makes a good leader?

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2 responses to “Lessons From The Pitch On Leadership”

  1. Someone who’s work ethic can inspire you and others. Not only give direction but take it too .

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