Daily writing prompt
Describe something you learned in high school.

Like you mean what I learned today (I teach high school)? I feel attacked! I joke around with my students that I am in my 24th year of high school. I tell them I have been institutionalized….I no longer understand the walls outside of the high school. Some days it feels as though this is true.

Picture of Author

I have learned an incredible amount in 24 years of high school. I learned how to make websites as a teacher in high school as a matter of fact on Google Sites. I learned how to become a proficient leader and public speaker. I learned volumes about all types of history: World History, U.S History, U.S. Government and Economics the best way you can learn, teaching! I owe all of this experience for becoming the prolific lifelong learner I am today!

grayscale photography of statues
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

I learned how to run a business, how to market things in a rudimentary way, and how to be a smart financial person. I learned about the stock market, the crypto market, and a whole host of wonderful graphs to help analyze any decision.

person sitting facing laptop computer with sketch pad
Photo by OVAN on Pexels.com

As a student, I had some amazing teachers in high school who inspired me to think I could pull this teaching thing off, or pretty much anything for that matter. I learned what love was, what true friendship was, and how to serve my community.

man holding baby s breath flower in front of woman standing near marble wall
Photo by Vija Rindo Pratama on Pexels.com

I guess I never made it to the “top” of the corporate ladder and probably never will, but I would not trade everything I have learned for any amount of money, nor the memories of the relationships that I have formed.

four men sitting on ground
Photo by Matheus Ferrero on Pexels.com

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6 responses to “Like You Mean What I Learned Today? I Feel Attacked!”

  1. The corporate ladder is over rated. I think you made the right choice!

    1. Me too, other than when I talk to my friend who is a multi-millionaire already 🙂

      1. Hahaha… ok, there are always exceptions to the rule. But I’m sure there was some blood sweat and tears to get there.

      2. Right, he absolutely hated it though! Never saw his kids, working 100+ hours a week, all that.

      3. That’s a tough trade off. Hope he is enjoying the fruits of his hard work and can relax now!

      4. He seems to be, lol!

What are your thoughts on this?


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