Much like Emperor Napoleon of France in the 1800’s, on February 13, 2024, Sandy the Beardie crowned himself emperor of his owners Southern California home. All residents of the house immediately fell to their knees and exclaimed, “Long Live the Emperor” in unison. Many feel he could be the “lissan-al galib” (chosen one).

For the past three years Sandy the Beardie had been planning his Machiavellian strategy to seize power, then the prophesized sacred crown (possibly belonging to a pipe somewhere) appeared on the floor.

Poster for Dune Part II – release date March 1 in U.S.

Sandy immediately realized that this was a sign from none other than Shai-hulud (the giant sandworm or perhaps the giant mealworm on Sandy’s case) that he should become the Kwisatz-Hadarach (chosen one) to rule Arakis (his cage).

Shai-hulud giant mealworm

Sandy the Beardie plans to manipulate what he calls “desert power” to overthrow his mortal enemies the Harkonnens (cats). The Harkonnens have a base setup outside the shield wall that must be destroyed.

Harkonnen Base

Will our hero succeed aginst his mortal enemies? He will need the help of his trusty allies the Fremen, led by Stillgar his faithful general. Will the prophecy come true?

Stillgar – Leader of the Fremen

I am more than a little excited about the new Dune movie. It is such an amazing science fiction series. I actually started reading the books, well Audiobooks and it is fascinating that Frank Herbert wrote this in 1965 and it still enthralls us. What an imagination Frank Herbert had!

4 responses to “Local Bearded Dragon Crowns Himself Emperor of Arakis”

  1. I adore beardies! They are one of my most favorite animals. 😍 I’ve had many liveth the years. Or last one, Mr. Lizzard, was a darling, grumpy, boy
    I had named him Vash the Stampede from Trigun- but my daughter who was getting close to 3 at the time took one look at him across the room and screamed Mr Lizzard! So that was his name. When he passed away we were all just devastated 💔 😢. We still miss and love him. I hope to get a new beardie at some future time but my daughter’s new favorite pet is a snake 🐍.

    1. They are a lot of fun. My daughter started with leopard geckos and then we moved on to beardies and I am sure we will always have one from now on!

  2. The spice must flow!

    1. Long live the fighters!

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