Daily writing prompt
What are your biggest challenges?

My biggest challenges are being patient while trying to reach my long-term goals. I have a wonderful amazing life, but I am very ambitious so I have to be patient on the larger goals I have such as extensive traveling, financial independence, and buying a home. 

My Divorce Almost Destroyed Me

It has been a rough ride the last four years since my divorce in a lot of ways, but I feel like the struggles have made me stronger. Having to be separated from my kids for half the week, living in a one-bedroom apartment for two years, selling my first home, were all fairly traumatic for me because I consider myself a very family oriented person. 


On the other side of all that pain though, a beautiful woman with a huge heart, a very nice home in the suburbs that we rent, and three wonderful step-children were waiting for me along with a cadre of pets who I have become quite attached to.

With the help of friends and loved ones I have been able to weather these storms and come out better for it on the other side. I am reasonably optimistic about the future now and looking forward to tackling some of my bigger goals.

Thanks for reading: My Biggest Challenges Right Now the Life-Long Learning and Education Blog!  Check out some of my other recent posts if you have a moment! Make the last days of 2023 the best days of the year!

Additional Resources For Those Going Through Family Issues

  1. Psychology Today – Family Issues Section:
  2. HelpGuide – Family & Relationships:
  3. American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT):
    • Website: AAMFT
    • Description: A professional association providing resources for individuals, couples, and families seeking help with relationship and family issues.
  4. FamilyEducation:
    • Website: FamilyEducation
    • Description: Offers expert advice and information on parenting, family dynamics, and education.
  5. The Gottman Institute:
    • Website: The Gottman Institute
    • Description: Founded by Drs. John and Julie Gottman, this institute provides research-based resources and tools for improving relationships and communication.
  6. Focus on the Family:
    • Website: Focus on the Family
    • Description: A Christian-based organization offering resources, articles, and advice on family, parenting, and marriage.
  7. Child Mind Institute:
    • Website: Child Mind Institute
    • Description: Focuses on child and adolescent mental health, providing resources for families dealing with various issues.
  8. Family and Relationships – Mayo Clinic:
  9. Empowering Parents:
    • Website: Empowering Parents
    • Description: Provides practical advice and resources for parents dealing with challenging behavior in their children.
  10. National Stepfamily Resource Center:

5 responses to “How I Found Peace on the Other Side of Pain”

  1. Thank you for sharing!

    I went through my divorce about 11 1/2 years ago. I was in another long-term relationship for about seven years after that, so I feel like I’ve restarted twice now. But I know exactly what you mean about wanting to get yourself back into a certain place both financially and personally

    1. The relationship had been more or less over for a while, but my kids were still 12 and 10 so it was really tough on them too. Thank god though that I left because it was killing me slowly.

      1. I’m glad you got out of it when you did!

        A lot of times are heat people say “I’m staying together for the kids”. And well, I think this is a very noble gesture, part of the problem is, it’s important to show our kids what a healthy, happy relationship looks like. In the very least, not give them a false impression of what relationships are supposed to be.

      2. I think that was the deciding factor. They were becoming more and more aware of our struggles.

  2. NICE POST 💚💖💓

    Blessed and Happy day 🌞🌄

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