Daily writing prompt
Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

I have to go with my mother for this one. We got this crazy idea from one of my mother’s co-workers to buy an investment house in Illinois and we live in California. My mother sells real estate so she has expert knowledge about how to do this. So we decided to go out to St. Louis and Springfield, Illinois to see if we could make this happen.

My mother is eighty-two years old and has so much energy, it is incredible. She literally has worn me out over the last few days, but we did manage to find a suitable prospect or a rental property and made an offer after looking at fourteen houses (which she insisted on). I was expecting after the business aspects of things were wrapped up we would do a few things and then get some rest, turn in early, etc.

joyful adult daughter greeting happy surprised senior mother in garden
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

Boy was I wrong! She still wants to get a 14 hour tourism day in each day! We hung out at an open mic night at a cafe in front of the courthouse that Abraham Lincoln worked at (of course I read a poem I wrote for my blog) till twelve. She has such an amazing vitality and passion for life, it really does inspire me. She has always been the rock in my life when things were tough and I certainly appreciate it!

Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms out there! Thanks for checking out the The Lifelong Education Blog! I hope you have a fantastic day!

5 responses to “My Mother Has Been An Amazingly Positive Influence on Me”

  1. A beautiful post. Your love for your mother really came through within this article. I am also grateful towards my mother for shaping my future. She was the person that instilled in me a lifelong love for playing with toys. Without her advice, I don’t know where I would be today.

    Your post brought to mind the brilliant movie “Barbie”. It tells the story of the doll made out of plastic. A beautiful tribute towards mothers. My own mom once enjoyed playing with Barbie dolls as a kid. Here’s why I recommend it:


  2. I’m so glad that you and your mother have such a great relationship. I heard the love and respect, and admiration you have for her. If more mothers were like her, maybe kids today would’t be so disrespecful. Beautiful post.

    1. Thanks!

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