List five things you do for fun.

My Top five things I do for fun:

1# – Snowboarding – Snowboarding is an expensive hobby, but there is nothing like it. The adrenaline rush, nature, and hanging out with good friends makes this my number one!

Mammoth Mountain Gondola

#2 – Baseball – Baseball has been a lifelong passion for me. Whether it is playing adult leage baseball/softball, coaching high school baseball, watching baseball at Dodger stadium, or just playing on my Xbox, its always a good time.

Baseball Stadium

#3 – Fishing – Fishing cam be relaxing next to a lake or fully immersive fly-fishing on a river or stream. I love hiking and exploring new fishing spots in the mountains or at the beach and the best part is, once you pay for a license and equipment it is basically free!

A few years ago in Utah

#4 – Playing with pets – Pets are a lot of fun and I have a lot of pets! Our dogs Panda and Pickles are pure comedy modt of the time, add in J.T and Dani the cats, and a salty bearded dragon (Sandy) and every night is a memorable one.

Sandy and Dani Bunkmates

#5 – Blogging – Blogging has become a integral part of my day. It is a tume for self-reflection, creativity, and social interaction. I really enjoy writing and interacting with people around the world via my blog. It is a fascinating thing!

Thanks for reading the Life Long Education Blog! Check out some of my other posts if you have time!

3 responses to “My Top Five Things I Do For Fun (Version 2)”

  1. Nice post! I saw version one as well. I’m with you on the blogging but I actually forgot to list it today!

  2. I love Bearded Dragons. They are one of my favorite animals.

    1. They are amazing pets

What are your thoughts on this?


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