What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? Why?

The hardest decision I ever had to make was which parent to move in with after their seperation when I was 17.

On one hand I had my old life with my mom in the mountains with my friends, on the other hand the possibilities of a new environment and a championship calibur naseball team with my dad.

I chose my dad because baseball became my passion during that time and the team at my old high school had not won more than three games in a season since I had been there.

In retrospect, developmentally this really was a shock to my system. I went from living in the Southern California Mountains, to Orange County, two places that could not be much different. My parents made heroic efforts to make sure I did not lose touch with my friends in the mountains, but there were many days I felt alone and depressed.

By the end of the year, I had made froends at my new school, even put together a solid baseball season being featured in the Orange County Register in the prep baseball section, but it came at a high cost.

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