Daily writing prompt
What brands do you associate with?

Some of my favorite brands are the ones that have the highest quality products as well as a strong relationship with the people in the communities they serve. There are many examples of this, In-N-Out-Burger comes to mind here in Los Angeles. In general though, I am not a big fan of mega-corporations that suck the lifeblood out of their workers, communities, and are detrimental to public policy. I feel like our economy is so unbalanced right now when it comes to the distribution of wealth that we are quickly reaching a tipping point, that not only in the U.S., is leading to the election of extreme right candidates who admonish loyalty to themselves and the state.

Historical Analysis

As a historian, it looks a lot like the 1930’s in Europe as the Great Depression made people become disillusioned with democracy and capitalism. Technology is changing things faster than many people can adapt to and they are understandably angry about it. I think these folks have trouble looking at themselves honestly assessing their skills and their expectations, especially when they have had farms, or property in their families for generations and they are on the brink of losing them.

Economic Analysis

Factories closing, farming becoming mechanized, competition with workers around the world due to globalization. There is an impending sense of doom that seems to be invading our collective consciousness here in the U.S. Maybe it is more like the stagflation and malaise of the 1970’s, perhaps a robust political movement will rise from the ashes of what we have today, but with billionaires and mega-corporations controlling much of the political system, media, and information in general, it will be an uphill battle.

An Anti-Climactic Ending

So what brands do I associate with, well, the ones I have to really. Our way of life in any pragmatic sense forces us to support companies to be a part of “the system” and thus makes us dependent upon it. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the cool products and whatnot. I am as materialistic as anyone, but I know that this way of life can not go on forever. Eventually the resources will run out and the music will stop. The wealthier countries will have chairs the longest, but eventually, even they will have a reckoning, I believe. What do you think?

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One response to “Not Feeling All That Excited About Consumerism Today”

  1. Yeah, fully agreed. One of the root causes of most of society’s problems all over the world is the prioritization of the interests of corporations by governments, instead of the welfare of the ordinary people.

What are your thoughts on this?


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