Daily writing prompt
If you could permanently ban a word from general usage, which one would it be? Why?

I would ban the word gender if I had the chance. The idea that everyone has the same “gender” because there is a word for it is so asinine given our current level of scientific understanding. The word in and of itself is not bad, but it is used to force unique individuals into roles they may not be comfortable with in society. This idea is archaic and it is time for us to adopt a more inclusive scientific view of gender, or do away with the word altogether and replace it with “human being”.

person holding laboratory flask
Photo by Chokniti Khongchum on Pexels.com

We know that DNA combines in a multitude of combinations creating massive variations in physical characteristics as well as variations in brain structure, chemistry, size, etc. Would it not make sense that this would apply to gender in humans as well?

Dna. Original public domain image

We are perfectly willing to accept different genders in microbes, insects, fish, reptiles, mammals, and reptiles….but not for humans! For humans there is and shall always only be two, despite any evidence that is ever found clearly stating the contrary.

orange and black poison darth frog
Photo by Thierry Fillieul on Pexels.com

Sex chromosomes have independently evolved multiple times and show varied levels of divergence from each other in the heterogametic sex (in XY males or ZW females

National Library of Medicine

Many species can even change gender in one single lifecycle.

(Sandy the Beardie, equal rights advocate: See below)

Sandy the Bearded Dragon

The delightful bearded dragons actually perform a sex reversal in the egg. Studies show that when warm temperatures occur during egg incubation, male bearded dragons often reverse course to become female.

But it’s not a complete switch. They actually remain male genetically, but act and reproduce like females

microscopic shot of a virus
Photo by CDC on Pexels.com

Other species reproduce asexually, not to mention all the other genetic variations that have been unsuccessful. These are only variations that have managed to survive and reproduce. A recent A sweeping study of 493,001 people conducted attempting to correlating genes to sexual orientation recently released in Science magazine cited that:

…. the researchers found that sexuality is polygenic — meaning hundreds or even thousands of genes make tiny contributions to the trait (in humans). 

close up of microscope
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

The study found that only 8%-25% of participants who became same-sex partners could be predicted genetically. Environment and life experience played a large role as the ultimate determinant of sexuality for humans. If that is true, why are we trying to force people into two boxes regarding gender. It will always create problems and marginalize those who do not fit neatly in them!

brain inscription on container on head of faceless woman
Photo by SHVETS production on Pexels.com

Our attempts to put people in categories because our brains thrive on recognizing patterns has done us great credit, but also been a great detriment in other ways, specifically in the case of: stereotyping, racism, sexism, gender discrimination, and so on and so forth. We have a hard time categorizing things that don’t fit neatly into our pattern recognition in short.

silhouette photography of group of people jumping during golden time
Photo by Belle Co on Pexels.com

So how do we fix this problem? Let human beings be the diverse, odd, awkward, wonderful, intelligent, compassionate, and crazy lifeforms that we are. The fact that we are here at all in this vast universe should be cause for celebration, not condemnation. Who are we to judge the way others feel in their skin, who they like, who they do not? Shouldn’t we be more concerned with issues like…I don’t know…climate catastrophe, nuclear proliferation, poverty, disease, and war? These are the true threats to our continued existence on this incredibly unique place we call Planet Earth, not people with (different) genders or sexual preferences.

7 responses to “Our Flawed View of Gender and Sexuality”

  1. Excellent post with research and data to back up what you are saying. I have a housekeeping question — do you find you get more traffic to the other posts you include at the end of your post?

    1. Thanks! I like how this one came out.

      Yes, I always get a few more views on those posts that are in that “latest post” block. It is an easy way to connect people to other posts on your site. Let me know if you have any questions about setting it up! Cheers!

      1. Is there a simpler way to add these without just adding a link for each post? I do like this idea.

      2. Look for the “latest posts” block in the block editor. It automatically gives links for your last five posts, super easy!

      3. Thank you for that tip!

      4. No problem! Did it work for you?

      5. It did! Now to decide whether to use it!

What are your thoughts on this?


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