Name your top three pet peeves.

My top three pet peaves would have to be people being obnoxious with technology, attitudes of entitlement, and people that drive dangerously for no reason.


Don’t get me started on VR headsets!

Technology is fantastic, but the constant noise pollution from videos and what not can be very irritating. I hate having to listen to someone else’s video or agow or whatever from twenty feet away. Put some headphones on for the love of God!

Attitudes of Entitlement

Be nice to cashiers yo!

Attitudes of entitlement come in many forms. Most the time, people don’t realize they are acting this way until they are called out. No one owes you anything, be grateful and humble when others help you even with mundane tasks. Bagging groceries, serving food, retail work, and cashiering are very difficult jobs. Don’t be jerks to these people!

Dangerous Drivers

Let’s all get there alive!

I really don’t want to die in a car accident. I go out of my way to give everyome space and drive as safely as possible. Some people out there seem like they are in a rush to die. The sad thing is, they will take someone with them when they do. Drive safely…please… I have kids that depend on me!

Thanks for reading Bunchiesblog! Have a fantastic day! Likes, follows, and shares are always appreciated. Check out some of my other recent articles!

5 responses to “My Top Three Pet Peaves Right Now”

  1. Yes! I agree with all of them, 100%!

  2. Yes to all 💯

    1. You are my people😂

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