Daily writing prompt
If you had a freeway billboard, what would it say?

As a Economics teacher, this is what I preach to my students. I always make sure to go over how much the money they save while they are young will help them down the rode. There is a huge difference between saving money for forty years consistently and twenty years or ten. 

Investing when one is young helps to mitigate market volatilities in all markets, not just the stock market. The longer one remains invested, the better their odds are of not losing money. Using stocks that pay good dividends as well can help increase these odds and generate passive income over time, which can be reinvested to quickly multiply one’s returns.

“Our favorite holding period is forever.”

Warren Buffett

Obviously, this requires one to make good decisions in the first place on investment options, but even taking a more conservative road such as with Certificates of Deposit or Bonds, saving more over longer times can lead to faunistic results. 

Buying stocks, companies, cryptocurrencies, houses, cars, or toilet paper at the time when they are discounted can lead to lucrative gains over time. This is one of Warren Buffet’s key mantras when it comes to investing. Teaching my students how to make shrewd decisions when it comes to investing and saving.

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself.”

Warren Buffet


Thanks for reading The Lifelong Learning and Education Blog ! I hope your New Year is off to a great start! It is never too early to start teaching kids about sound financial decisions (My other billboard)! Check out some of my other recent posts.

Additional Resources for Saving Money

  1. Investopedia – Saving for Retirement:
  2. The Balance – Saving Money:
    • Website: The Balance – Saving Money
    • Description: Offers advice on various aspects of saving money, including budgeting, emergency funds, and long-term savings goals.
  3. NerdWallet – Savings:
    • Website: NerdWallet – Savings
    • Description: Features articles and tools to help individuals make informed decisions about saving money and growing their wealth.
  4. The Motley Fool – Savings and Spending:
  5. Clark.com – Money Saving Tips:
    • Website: Clark.com – Money Saving Tips
    • Description: Clark Howard’s website provides money-saving tips and advice on budgeting for a secure financial future.
  6. SmartAsset – Saving Money:
    • Website: SmartAsset – Saving Money
    • Description: Offers tools and articles to help individuals make smart decisions about saving money and achieving financial goals.
  7. The Simple Dollar – Saving Money:
  8. Bankrate – Saving Money:
    • Website: Bankrate – Saving Money
    • Description: Features articles and resources on saving money, including tips on finding the best savings accounts and strategies.
  9. Dave Ramsey – Budgeting & Saving:
  10. The Penny Hoarder – Save Money:

16 responses to “Start Saving Money When You Are Young”

  1. Einstein called compound interest the eight wonder of the world. I’m glad you are having the discussion in school. It’s something everybody should hear early and often.

  2. Starting young and keeping a budget are key. Great post.

  3. Good advice!

  4. Nice post 👌 👍

  5. Great post about starting early! I started around 30 and wish I would’ve started sooner.

    1. I know right, it makes such a big difference!

  6. Join us as Contributor on our Channel
    Let us.connect on Quora Channel for more Stock Updates….

  7. Absolutely – give your money a long runway then it can really take off!

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