Daily writing prompt
Do you enjoy your job?

I enjoy my job for the most part. It can be exceptionally challenging and stressful at times. You are asked to do so much at one time, remember so much, plan so much, analyze so much, and communicate clearly with a multitude of learners of varying backgrounds, language levels, learning disabilities, and all social economic backgrounds.

Then, you go out and coach a sport for 2 – 3 hours. Oftentimes you give up your Saturday’s, evenings, and afternoons for school related activities. It isn’t the big arguments, conflicts and what not that get you, it is the slow burn of being on alert 100% of the time. It is a low grade stress that gets to you.

That being said though, the personal rewards are immense. When all is well, you feel like you are hardly working at all, you are just hanging out with your 170 or so teenage friends each day. As you grow older you see your students around town, working, carting children of their own around Sam’s Club, or read about them in newspapers.

Is it worth it? I think so, but teaching is certainly not for the faint of heart.

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20 responses to “Teaching A High Risk High Reward Profession”

  1. My mom taught second grade. She bumps into her old students now and again when they are adults. It’s such a thrill for her to see them grown up.

    1. It is weird to see them grown up, but you are forever Mr. so-and-so or Mrs. So-and-so in their minds.

  2. Being a manager has a few similarities, but I’ll take that over being a teacher any day. I salute your efforts and commend your dedication to instructing our young minds. Thank you, Allen. 🙏

    1. Managing adults can be tough too though. Management in general is a difficult job; there is so much that can go wrong at one time.

      1. Indeed. And much like teachers these days, one always has to be on the lookout for allegations and complaints. It’s a tightrope, no doubt.
        As you said, it’s very rewarding and trying all at the same time.

      2. It certainly is, especially when everyone has a camera in their pocket!

      3. You got that right, brother. And they’re not afraid to use them.
        There’s actually a school so bad here that they were debating bringing in the outside assistance to keep order. The teachers don’t feel safe, but their hands are also tied.

      4. It’s ridiculous, god forbid we ever have to fight a war.

      5. Oh, don’t even…lol
        I don’t want to get going on the state of modern military training. 😄

      6. Indulge me

      7. Stress cards you can pull out when you feel like the DI is riding you too hard?
        I’m sure they will allow you to pull your stress card in combat too. 🙄😄

  3. Teaching is rewarding. So are all services I beleive.

    1. It can be very rewarding. Graduation always makes me feel a deep sense of accomplishment.

  4. I really enjoy my job. Not all of it. The parts where I help others are very enjoyable. The administrative parts of my job suck, well paperwork usually does. For me it is about having a job that has meaning and purpose.

    As for having a hobby as a job, I have tried but when you are making money with your hobby you end up with administrative stuff that sycks the life out of it. Soon you end up not liking the hobby because it is a job.

    I have always loved teaching. I have had a second job teaching, on and off for at least 15 years. Typically night classes at a local community College. I love seeing students go out and establish their careers. The part I did not like was the paperwork at the beginning and end of the semester. Or the other teachers that did the minimum work possible to the detriment to the students and other faculty.

    1. Thank you for the thoughtful comment. The paperwork and bureaucracy are nightmarish at times especially for public schools. It is such a slow moving entity that is typically years behind the times and inflexible to adapt to the changes in education. I agree!

  5. A good point “When all is well, you feel like you are hardly working at all!”

    1. It’s true, you can really get into a good zone because you don’t have a supervisor over your shoulder all the time.

What are your thoughts on this?


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