Daily writing prompt
What makes you feel nostalgic?

As my children have gotten older, anything that reminds me of them seems to be very nostalgic. We were at Universal Studios yesterday without them and there is a fountain in front of the movie theater that they would play in. I could almost hear them both giggling and their mom in futility telling them not to get soaked

Sweet Memories

I will go to a place that I used to take them when they were very young and I can see them playing on the playground equipment or hiding under the clothing racks at a department store. Those years were tough, but also held some of the happiest moments of my life and I love when they pop up unexpectedly.


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3 responses to “The Most Treasured Times of My Life”

  1. Family and vehicles are my prime nostalgic subjects with old buildings running parallel.

  2. Nostalgia about the early years of your children is something that I can easily understand.. Thank you for sharing yout feelings!

    1. Thanks for reading and commenting!

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