The luxury of extra time off. Teaching affords one large swaths of time off. I have become quite accustomed to this. I am not sure how I would do with a normal job with a week or two off a year.

We work out butts off during the school year, to be sure, but compared to when I was in the restaurant business, we get a ton of time off. In the restaurant business, you could take a week or two off, but it was all unpaid. If you took more than that, the manager would start giving your shifts away.

woman holding wine glass selective focus photography
Photo by Elina Sazonova on

When I first started teaching, It felt so strange to just be off for weeks at a time. I honestly did not know what to do with myself, luckily my daughter who was born my first year as a teacher took care of that problem for me.

woman in black blazer looking at woman in grey blazer
Photo by Christina Morillo on

Now I can’t wait to have to time off so I can go travel, connect with friends and family, and just enjoy life. Another ten more years and I will be off all the time (retirement)!

Thanks for stopping by The Lifelong Learning and Education Blog! I hope you have a fantastic day. What is a luxury you can’t live without?

4 responses to “There is Nothing More Valuable Than The Gift of Time”

  1. Agreed I also said time is the most valuable precious luxury we have.

    1. You can’t get more of it, that is for sure!

  2. Great posts as always. I think that’s a great answer to this question I didn’t think of. What came to my mind was music. Music is such a strong art form that has shaped my identity. When my life has hit a low, music has allowed me to cope with sorrow. It’s impossible for me to imagine a life without music. If no music existed, it would be a depressing life for sure.

    This post brought to mind the movie “Yesterday”. It imagines how a world would be without the Beatles and their timeless music. A beautiful tribute to the Beatles and the value of their music. As a fan of the band, I loved it. Here’s why it is worth a watch:

    1. The Beatles were amazing! They were so far ahead of their time, it was like they were from another world completely!

What are your thoughts on this?


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