Daily writing prompt
What is the greatest gift someone could give you?

The greatest gift someone could give me would be more time…and maybe more energy to go along with it. Time is our most precious resource, certainly something I never have enough of. Between work, kids, chores, and everything else, my daily schedule fills up very quickly and I often end up working well into the evening hours. If I could just have an extra two hours a day, it would make a huge difference as to what I could accomplish. 


When it comes to teaching, time is a very scarce commodity that must be measured out very carefully. It is easy to spend an entire period answering one student’s question when you have a room full of 36 students! Longer periods, or block schedules are nice, but my school has 48 minute periods, six classes a day so the time flies by! I feel like I get to work and before I know it I am leaving for the day, hopefully with all the major issues dealt with.


Thanks for reading the Lifelong Education Blog! Happy New Year and stay safe out there! Check out some of my other recent articles if you have time!

4 responses to “Time…Our Most Valueable Commodity”

  1. Nice post 👌

  2. So be true… Your posts are really relevant.

    1. Thanks, I try!

  3. Anyone who knows anything of history knows that great social changes are impossible without feminine upheaval. Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex, the ugly ones included🫠🫠

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