As summer comes closer and my schedule opens up more, I am going to try and start hitting Gold’s Gym at least three days a week. After teaching and coaching all day, I am pretty much cashed out for the day, plus I have to pick up my children from extra-curricular activities, make dinner, and do chores, so there is not a lot of time for physical fitness, hence I typically hit Bunch Fitness (my garage gym). Lately, I have been struggling even to do this due to medication I have been taking to help me sleep, but now is the time!

The Ten Best Excercises For Men in their 40’s

1. Squats – website: https://. squats

  1. Deadlifts – website:
  2. Bench press – website:
  3. Pull-ups – website:
  4. Shoulder press – website:
  5. Bent-over rows – website:
  6. Lunges – website:
  7. Planks – website:
  8. Bicep curls – website:
  9. Tricep dips – website:

These exercises will help you build strength, improve your fitness, and stay healthy as you age

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2 responses to “Local Blogger Pines For Gym Workout”

  1. Hey Mr. B – good luck with your gym intentions. I smiled when I read that you were considering a Gold’s Gym. I belonged to one here in Massachusetts and just loved it. It seemed to me more like a true “gym” and not a social place where people dressed in nice workout clothes.

    Keep us posted on how it goes!


    1. It is a fantastic gym! Ours has a pool/jacuzzi, nice locker room, cardio cinema, and tons of machines. It does seem less uppity than other gyns I have been to. Thanks for the comment🙂

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