Daily writing prompt
Are you superstitious?

I personally am more of a rationalist, when the signs point the right way. I am in charge of my own destiny, if it is the will of fate. I believe in the miracle inning in baseball, the karma of people coming back to them, and the power of faith.

Rest of article best read while listening to this classic Stevie Wonder song.

I am kind of a mix of both superstation and rationalist that wants to experiment and explore different ideas. I am prone to false narratives and devastated when I find them to be so. Logic is the ultimate guide, but so much can not be explained by logic. Intuition also has its place. Check out this list of top 10 superstitions. Are you superstitious, opine below!

Top 10 U.S. Superstitions

Black cat
  1. Black Cats: Feline Fashion Police or Misunderstood Mystics? Ah, the infamous black cat! Some folks believe crossing paths with these sleek, shadowy creatures brings bad luck. But really, aren’t they just misunderstood fashionistas, strutting around in their all-black ensembles, casting judgmental glares at those who dare question their impeccable taste?
  2. Broken Mirrors: Seven Years of Cosmetic Catastrophe? Breaking a mirror supposedly brings seven years of bad luck. But let’s be real – if a mirror could predict the future, we’d all be checking our reflections for lottery numbers instead of worrying about a cosmetic calamity. Maybe it’s time to consider investing in shatterproof glass for the bathroom.
  3. Friday the 13th: When Superstition and Horror Collide The mere mention of Friday the 13th sends shivers down some spines. But why? Is it because we’re afraid Jason Voorhees will pop up in our office cubicle? Let’s face it, if horror movies were a reliable source of life advice, we’d all be experts in zombie survival tactics by now.
  4. Knock on Wood: The Universal Panic Button Whenever you tempt fate with a bold statement, the automatic response is to knock on wood. Does the wood have some mystical power, or is it just the original panic button for socially awkward situations? Either way, we’ll keep tapping away and hoping for the best.
  5. Umbrellas Indoors: Unfurling the Mystery Opening an umbrella indoors is said to bring bad luck. Is it a cosmic disturbance or just a hazard in small apartments? We’re not sure, but next time you find yourself caught in the rain inside, don’t blame us if your luck takes a soggy turn.
  6. Horseshoes: From Farriers to Fortune Tellers Horseshoes have been nailed above doors for centuries to bring good luck. Perhaps it’s time to consult a blacksmith for career advice instead of LinkedIn? After all, if a horse can find success with a bit of metal footwear, why can’t we?
  7. Crossing Fingers: The Digitized Horseshoe Crossing your fingers might be the digital version of knocking on wood. Whether you’re wishing for luck or trying to get out of a fib, this age-old gesture has transcended cultures. Just remember, it’s all in good fun – no actual magic is happening in the crossing of fingers.
  8. Spilling Salt: The Sodium Sprinkle Snafu Spilling salt is rumored to attract bad luck, but fear not! Grab a pinch of that spilled salt and toss it over your left shoulder – just like you’re throwing shade at misfortune. Who knew cleaning up could be so magically cathartic?
  9. Wishbones: Breaking Bones for Good Fortune Breaking a wishbone is a time-honored tradition, but does it really bring good luck? Perhaps it’s just a clever ploy by the turkey industry to keep us buying their holiday centerpiece. Either way, may the best wish-wisher win!
  10. Four-Leaf Clovers: Nature’s Lucky Charms Finally, we can’t forget the humble four-leaf clover. Some believe finding one brings good luck, but if you’re like us, you’ve spent more time searching for these elusive greens than you have winning the lottery. Maybe we’re doing it wrong, or maybe we just need to appreciate the rare moments life throws our way.


OpenAI. (2024). ChatGPT (3.5) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com

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23 responses to “Top 10 Superstitions In The United States”

    1. No problem! How is your blogging going?

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        On the front page on the right side bottom click the follow button Anita

      2. I am on mobile so I don’t think the follow button is showing up.

      3. You can’t follow my blog. Anita

      4. Can you follow my blog Anita

      5. I don’t see a follow button, sorry? What is up with the spamming though?

  1. You can’t follow my blog Anita
    On the front page on the right side bottom click the follow button Anita

  2. Short and sweet today huh?

    1. Yeah, I have been mentally and physically spent by the time I get home most days. Spring Break will be a time of Renaissance for my blog.

      1. As all champions do, they leave it on the field.

      2. Current status

  3. Very interesting!

    1. What did you find most interesting?

      1. These superstitions are also here, not only in the USA. Superstition is not compatible with Christianity. Everything that harms a person is a sin. The law of spiritual life is known: the less faith in God, the more superstitions there are.

  4. In every country, there are some superstitions. I am also a little superstitious 👌

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  9. Love the topic!

    1. Any changes you would make?

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