Write about a few of your favorite family traditions.

My Top 5 Favorite Family Traditions:

1. If a cat is sitting on you or making biscuits on you, you may not move until they are done doing so.

2. All pets can be called with the phrase, “My babies” said at the highest possible pitch.

3. If Pickles, our golden retriever, brings you a tennis ball, you must throw it.

4. When anyone makes eye contact with the bearded dragon Sandy, they must give him at least two fresh worms and preferably a salad.

5. There is never enough, “cat furniture”.

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What are your favorite family traditions?

4 responses to “My Top Five Favorite Family Traditions”

  1. Love these and your affection for your family pets. Your pets aren’t spoiled are they? 🤣

  2. Family tradition is always kept by most people worldwide. Regarding the English language, I think it’s my obligation to keep it alive. Your post makes me focus on my English and how I can maintain It as part of my tradition. Thank you for posting about the importance of maintaining tradition.

    1. No problem! I salute you on your learning journey!

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