Although “Random Sock” did not participate in the Republican debate, pollsters estimate random sock will win the Republican debate by a margin of at least 50 points. “Random Sock” has had some legal troubles lately, most notably “losing” it’s twin Brother “Other Random Sock” who had been very critical of “Random Sock’s” policies of late. “Random Sock” supporters do not seem to be concerned with this, many liking that “Random Sock” is “taking care of business.”

Straw Polling of Youth Vote for Presidential Nominee

I had the honor and privilige of polling the students in my high school government class as a way to guage how the youth vote will breakdown in the next Presidential Election here in the U.S. for 2024.

Opinion Poll of my senior Gov classes 9/29
Biden Enjoying Pretty Lights

Due to our two-party system and their relative monopoly of the political process, sometimes voters are left with two candidates who can realistically win, that are not very popular.

Trump showing off dance moves for voters

In this poll, I gave my students four choices. Former President Trump leads the Republican candidates, so he represented the Republicans. Some students were surprised that he could still be running after all his legal troubles, but they should not have been!

We read the Constitution and the requirements are simply to be at least 35 years old, a natural born citizen, and a resident of the United States for 14 years. Trump got 20.2% of the vote.

Democrats are coalescing around Joe Biden for another term, despite being 80 years old. Students wanted to know if he was too old to run for President. There is no age limit to be President except to be over 35. Biden came in at 33.7%.

I also included a third party option, which, even though we have not gotten into third parties recieved 14.4% of the vote.

The big surprise was the write in candidate, “a random sock”. To my knowledge, “A Random Sock” has not even announced their official candidacy yet. “A Random Sock” was contacted by the press, but no comments were given.

“A Random Sock”

Political pundits and media elites will likely be looking closely for if and when, “A Random Sock” will enter the race, what their platform will be, and who they would possibly choose for a running mate? “Another Random Sock” or perhaps the “shoe that didn’t get lost” would be an obvious choice.

Wrapping It Up

Thanks for reading Bunchiesblog! I hope you are having a fantastic day/night wherever you are. Check out some of my other recent articles! I made my first four cents as a blogger last month!

7 responses to “Update: Random Sock Makes Impressive Show in 12/7 Republican Debate”

  1. It’s amazing that in this society that talk so much about freedom and allegedly cherishes it’s right to vote, we basically get to decide between one or the other…

    1. The youth are so apathetic, it is really scary!

      1. Yeah. I think the maitre’d in “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” said it best when he said: “I weep for the future”

      2. Lol, that movie is the best!

      3. Does my site look right now? I had tech support check it out and they could not find anything weird with it.

      4. Yeah it came up just fine the reader.

        Was Bunche’s Blog something separate?

      5. I changed the domain to lifelong learning and that is when I started having problems so I switched it back to Bunchiesblog and that is when I started having issues with it. I guess its ok now, but it is hard to tell from just my end. Thanks for the feedback!

What are your thoughts on this?


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