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I am currently reading the Dune series by Frank Herbert. I am on book three of 13, I believe.

As a creative writer, Herbert was on a different level. The intricacy of his narratives, the deep symbolism, the prophetic writings, and of course the pulse-pounding action make these books quite amazing!

I am very excited about the new Dune movie as well!

Anyone else a fan of this series?

26 responses to “The Dune Series Captures The Imagination”

  1. The spice must flow.
    I loved the latest Dune reboot and am looking forward to the next one!
    I have not read the books in many, many years, and I only really recall reading the first two. You’re making me want to pick them up again!

    1. The new movie looks amazing! I wonder if they are going to do more after? I am doing the audiobooks so that makes it a little easier.

      1. I’m sure if it’s a moneymaker they will definitely consider it! As long as the quality remains high, I am all for it.

      2. Capitalism!

      3. Indeed! 👍👍

  2. I read them some time ago, and yes, I liked them very much.I used to be a fan of quality SF.

    1. I am listening to the audiobooks on my way to and from work, it gives me something to look forward to during my commute. How far did you go into the series?

      1. I have read until Children of Dune, included. But it was a long time ago. Either way,, great works,be it SF or other genres, keep their perfume over the years. For me,it is also the perfume of a more innocent period of my life. As time goes by, it is said we grow up,but this is not necessarily a gain. 🙂

      2. I think teaching keeps my inner child alive and well, but I hear you there!

      3. I was speaking about myself! This is the person I know the best, I cannot allow myself to speak of anyone else. And yes, I think your inner child goes well! Simple fact that you can establish bonds and genuinely share your thoughts, is proof. Thank you for sharing !

      4. I know, no worries!

  3. Mine is the Hobbit , I really enjoy the tales from the lord of the rings . It has a little bit of everything in there for ya . Next book will be Bram Stokers Dracula . Take care

    1. Definitely a science fiction masterpiece, if not the definitive science fiction masterpiece.

  4. I’m waiting for the movies to come out before continuing reading the saga. You see, I don’t like to have movies “ruining” a book (They miss so many things!), so I usually read books after I’ve watched the movies or read books that don’t have a movie adaptation that I know of 😛 I want to read the first book again, and I’m going to do it after watching the second movie.

    1. Yeah, it is impossible to gwt the same depth in a book as a movie. Dune certainly is no different there, although both movies are pretty amazing. The first one made in the 70’s was way ahead of its time.

  5. Excellent review of the book! I’m really interested in watching the film version soon. I was such a massive fan of the first “Dune” which I consider one of the finest sci-fi movies ever made. Curious to see how a sequel would hold up with comparison to the original. Here’s why I loved the first “Dune”:


  6. Great post! Indeed “Dune” is a book series that certainly captures public imagination. I recently had a chance seeing the first film and I absolutely adored it. Here’s why I loved it:


    1. Awesome man! It is such a unique story. I love how the tech does not have to be explained…it just is. “The God Emperor” book is fascinating, I am going to be sad when I am done with it. Cheers!

      1. Thanks for the feedback. If you really enjoyed “Dune”, I would recommend checking out “Arrival”. Villenueve made this a few years before he set his sight on dusty dune planets. Here’s why I adored it:


  7. Great review once again. I had a chance to see the sequel and absolutely adored it. I thought it was a huge improvement on the first film. Reminded me a lot of “Arrival”, another excellent science fiction film. Here’s why I loved that film:


    1. Arrival was a trip! It was way out of the box, but very scientific. Have you seen “Raised By Wolves” on Amazon (two seasons)? Blew my mind… The first two episodes were directed by Ridley Scott.

      1. Thanks for the comment! No I haven’t seen that show. I don’t actually watch shows because I find them to be a time commitment. But I will keep that one in mind since you recommended it.

      2. That one is definitely worth it if you are a big sci-fi fan.

    2. I kind of liked the first one better. The second one was good, but I thought the first one had exceptional cinematography and effects. “Children of Dune” will be interesting as well! I wonder when that will come out?

      1. Thanks for the feedback! I’m honestly not sure whether I preferred the first or second film. I thought the first movie had amazing pacing and I was never bored. But I loved the second film for its sheer ambition. Here’s my thoughts on the sequel:


      2. I have to say I enjoy the books more because everything is so much more detailed. I enjoy the movie because it gives me visuals of how things could have been represented, how battles unfolded, etc. The second file was undoubtedly a monumental undertaking. I liked the 1977 version better through with the Fremen warriors using “Voice” even though it is not in the book.

What are your thoughts on this?


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