Why are audiobooks better than podcasts….a hopefully persuasive argument! Audiobooks generally give a little more depth to topics, don’t have commercials, and can get into a variety of topics without adding extra layers of bias.

Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy Podcasts at times as well, but the commercials, and self-promotion aspects of them tend to make my interest wane, especially after you hear the same commercial for the 15th time. Audiobooks by comparison do not have this issue. Audiobooks have no commercials, and no distractions, and allow for a fully immersive experience.

The depth in an audiobook can be quite good depending on what you are looking for. Audiobooks exist for many books now that just a few years ago did not. Twenty years ago one would have had to get a set of CDs or cassette tapes to take advantage of this format, along with a CD or tape player. Now it is all in the palm of your hand. Podcasts are also widely available of course, but as a historian, I am interested in many of the voices of the past, where most podcasts are more concerned with the contemporary world.

positive black woman talking to radio host
Photo by George Milton on Pexels.com

Lastly, audiobooks have the author or authors’ bias to be considered, versus, another layer or two of the producer of the podcast and possible podcast personality delivering the information. While discussions between people can be quite fascinating to listen to and watch, there is no better source than the original one, especially when it comes to history!

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If you would like to check out Audible, please consider using this link as I recieve a small commision as an Amazon Associate. Audible also has tons of podcasts in addition to audiobooks, newspapers, and more! I have been a member for a long time and have listened to over 100 books in the car! Knowldege is power! If you have any quesitons about an Audible membership, feel free to comment below!

Discussion Question

  1. Do you think audiobooks or podcasts are better? Why?

One response to “Why Audiobooks Are Better Than Podcasts”

  1. Do disagreements on consistency and quality of content. Or the commercials.
    I like the flexibility variety of podcasts. They also tend to be in shorter bites for easier consumption.
    Great Courses plus also does a great job. I put some mileage on those.

What are your thoughts on this?


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